15 results found cork oak forests

27 . Sep . 2016
Cork Oak Forest

From all the cork oak forests, approximately 340 000 tonnes of cork are harvested each year.

Facts and Curiosities 12 . Oct . 2016
Facts and Curiosities
How important are cork oak forests?

Cork oak forests contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and the survival of many indigenous animal species, some of which in danger of extinction. Equally important is its role in capturing CO2, the regulation of the hydrological cycle and restraining environmental and social desertification.Cork oak forests fo…

03 . Aug . 2021
What is the importance of cork oak forests in terms of biodiversity?

The cork oak forest is part of one of the world’s 36 biodiversity hotspots, has a recognized protection status, contributes to climate regulation, is a driving force for sustainable development and plays a crucial role in the world's ecological balance.

27 . Sep . 2016
Cork oak forests are natural CO2 retainers

It is estimated that per each ton of cork produced, the cork oak forest can sequester up to 73 tons of CO₂, a sizeable contribution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the main cause of climate change.

27 . Sep . 2016
Preservation of the cork oak forest

It makes the cork viable in a unique manner, and as a result, the preservation of the cork oak forest, a unique example of green economy, which is based on a balance between economic, social and environmental issues. The constant concern to adopt and reinforce sustainable development practices makes Corticeira Amorim o…

28 . Jun . 2021
Cork oak forest, a positive contribution for climate regulation

The cork oak forest provides an essential contribution to the air that we breathe, by absorbing carbon dioxide. It is estimated that per each ton of cork produced, the cork oak forest can sequester up to 73 tons of CO2.     Source: https://www.apcor.pt/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Brochura_Ambiente__EN.pdf

Articles 31 . May . 2021
Nature as our starting point

The contribution of cork oak forests and cork to biodiversity preservation

Why Cork 27 . Sep . 2016
Why Cork
Facts and Curiosities

Explore all the facts and cusiosities about cork and the importance of the oak tree and its forests.

Facts and Curiosities 12 . Oct . 2016
Facts and Curiosities

Facts and Curiosities 12 . Oct . 2016
Facts and Curiosities

Why Cork 27 . Sep . 2016
Why Cork
Cork harvesting

The wise hands that plant the trees of the cork oak forest are the same ones that skilfully strip the bark every year. Removing the bark from each cork oak.

Articles 14 . Nov . 2018
Everything begins in Nature

Cork is a natural, 100% biodegradable, recyclable, renewable raw material obtained from the cork oak tree (Quercus Suber L.). This oak species whose bark (cork) regenerates itself is mainly found in Southern Mediterranean countries and North Africa, and has an average lifetime of 200 years. Portugal is the leading cork…

News 21 . Sep . 2022
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The Corkeen system has been developed in accordance with circular economy principles. According to a recent Environmental Footprint study, conducted by EY, the Corkeen system has a negative carbon balance of -102kg CO2 eq/m2. This means that the Corkeen system promotes carbon sequestration via the cork oak forest that…

News 05 . Apr . 2022
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The carbon balance of the Corkeen system, a revolutionary impact-absorbing surface solution for play, leisure and recreational spaces, is -102kg CO2 eq/m2. This means that the Corkeen system promotes carbon sequestration in the cork oak forest that exceeds the CO2 emissions from its production. The Environmental Footpr…

Case Studies 22 . Jul . 2022
Case Studies

In this context, it was perfectly natural to choose Corkeen Play Original, to be applied to the floor of outdoor playspaces, given its sustainability credentials. The Corkeen system has a negative carbon balance of -102 kg CO2 eq/m2 for a thickness of 40 mm (25mm base layer and 15mm top layer) and a critical fall heigh…


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